The Better Beehive Blog
Supplementary Sunlight Addendum and revised Design Code
You can be forgiven for not spending your December reading through 540 planning documents in search of the Daylight and Sunlight addendum and revised Design Code for the Beehive site ahead of the developer’s submission for outline planning permission on the Planning Committee on 12th Feb 2025.
We did!
Here is our report which was sent to the planning officer on 13th January.
On the third day of Christmas …
If you have commented on the planning application for the Beehive site off Coldhams Lane in Cambridge, you should have received a letter from the planning department advising you that there are revisions.
Our Formal Objection to Railpen revised plans, Oct 2024
The Better Beehive Cambridge Group’s response to the revised planning application for the Beehive site covering 10 areas of consideration.
Rising applications
An blog post with a list of planning applications in Cambridge where height is an issue and info on campaign groups.
Response to July 2024 revision scheme for The Beehive site
This is a quick summary of the information given to the public during the public consultation for the revised proposals for the Beehive Centre. We hope it is an accurate interpretation. The revised scheme is due to be submitted in August when much more detail will be available.
We can see that a lot of work has been done on the scheme and overall it is somewhat improved from the exceptionally poor start seen in the original scheme submitted in August last year. However, the scheme remains an over development of the Beehive site. The scale of the buildings is still overwhelming and in stark contrast to the low rise, domestic scale of buildings that immediately surround the site
Consultation dates for your diary July 2024
Dates for your diary for consultation feedback.
Our formal response
Firstly, and to be absolutely clear, we recognise and support the principle of the redevelopment of the Beehive Centre…
Not in your backyard, yet.
It’s not in your backyard yet but wherever you live in Cambridge it might be soon. This is how you can stop that happening.
Urban heat islands
Ten things to know about urban heat islands and why large scale developments in one part of Cambridge will affect the city and beyond.