How to help us
We have been unexpectedly featured in the Cambridge News on 6th February, 2024. They published us as a lead article on the front page featuring the formal objection we’ve made to the application. We haven’t spoken to them but the quotes are from our document.
To be clear, we’re not against the site being developed but the method by which the plans have been created and the lack of clear communication with residents, conservation groups and other affected bodies especially on building height. We’re very concerned that this scale sets a precedent that fails to meet many points in the Cambridge Local Plan and the impact this development will have on all Cambridge residents today and in the future.
If you’ve found your way here because of that article or our Facebook page, then welcome and thank you for dropping by, it’s appreciated. If you’re worried about this application you can object and here’s how
Write a letter explaining why you’re concerned to the Greater Cambridgeshire Planning Department. There are details on how on our Home page and we’ve provided a template letter you can download. At the time of writing we understand that comments are being accepted. You can create an account on the portal or send your letter by post.
Let your councillor know, you can locate their details here and explain your concerns or copy them into to your letter to the GCP planning department.
Tell a neighbour or a friend as we think this application just isn’t know.
Can you display a poster in your window, venue or place of work? You can download it and print.
Keep in touch, we’re sorting out a newsletter but you can follow us on Facebook too and bookmark this website. We believe in strength in numbers and would welcome making connections with other groups to coordinate our responses and next steps, drop us a line on Facebook or our Contact page.
Thank you!