Plans at committee 12 Feb
If you have commented, you should be receiving notification that the planning committee will be considering the application for the outline planning permission for the Beehive site on Coldhams Lane on 12th February 2025 at 10am.
Here’s the link to the agenda so you can read more.
We intend to present information, and we’re working on the best way to do that. Members of the public have the opportunity to speak within the limited time of 3 minutes which is shared by those against the plans, with a further 3 mins for those in favour, also shared if there is more than one speaker. Here’s a link on speaking.
It’s important to note that the meeting is about planning matters:
Design, appearance, and materials
Loss of light or overshadowing
Parking, highway safety, traffic and public rights of way
Noise, fumes and smell
Effect on listed building and conservation area
Nature conservation
The meeting is both in person at The Guildhall and on Teams (it will be broadcast live).